News – Papal poll

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 December, 2010 1 min read

Papal poll

The pope’s visit in September may have stirred mixed emotions, but, according to a Theos survey of more than 2000 people, many in the UK agree with his social teaching.

The survey, carried out on behalf of the Theos think-tank by pollsters ComRes, found that although 24 per cent of people disapproved of the pope’s visit, they agreed with the twelve statements contained in the pope’s third encyclical letter, Caritas in veritate.

Some 82 per cent agreed that technologically advanced societies must lower their domestic energy consumption, while 63 per cent affirmed that investment always has moral as well as economic significance.

A massive 90 per cent agreed that food and access to water are universal rights of all human beings (leaving questions about the other 10 per cent!), while 63 per cent backed his statement that ‘it is irresponsible to view sexuality merely as a source of pleasure’.

ET staff writer
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