News – Rev. Colin Davies (1940-2010)

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 January, 2011 2 min read

Rev. Colin Davies (1940-2010)

Colin Davies was known by many people in Wales and beyond for his love of God and encouragement of young and old alike. He was also renowned for his faithful preaching of the gospel and huge role in looking after and equipping Christian camps for young people in Wales.

Born the only child of farming parents in Llanbedr, his mother tells of an early desire to be a minister, but it was under the ministry of Rev. Jim Webber from the age of 20 that he came to a gradual understanding of salvation.

By 22, he professed saving faith in Christ and was baptised. He fully participated in the life of his church, taking young people to meetings around the county piled in his Land Rover.

Later, following the Lord’s calling, he entered the Presbyterian College in Aberystwyth, after which in 1974 he was ordained as a minister.


In his first pastorate he was charged with the care of two churches in Whitchurch and Tongwynlais, both part of the Welsh Presbyterian Church, Cardiff.

He soon discovered that there were Freemasons in the larger congregation. Having researched the Masons’ teaching, he decided that it was incompatible with biblical doctrine and set out to preach against it fearlessly from the pulpit.

This made him unpopular and led to him leaving that denomination. From the believers in both congregations, he formed a new church and renamed that little flock Carmel Evangelical Church, in memory of the victory Elijah won over the prophets of Baal.

He remained ministering in Llandaff North, Cardiff, working tirelessly, putting out the chairs each Saturday night or Sunday morning, picking up elderly church members, running the small youth group, visiting the sick and many others.

Every year, he took a minibus full of the elderly on holiday, until he retired five years ago. He then moved to Abergavenny to look after his parents who needed care.

Since 1982, Colin played an important role in looking after the equipment for the Evangelical Movement of Wales’ (EMW) outdoor camps, buying and maintaining such things as canvas, ovens and benches, and storing them for the following year.


Under his chairmanship, EMW camps grew to more than 300 per year, and in 2000 another group called Christian Camps in Wales (CCIW) was set up. Rev. Davies became one of its directors (trustees), carrying on the work he had taken on with the EMW.

Each year, CCIW grew and in 2008, under his encouragement, the decision was made to grow another camp. As well as the 4 weeks at Brynglas near Tywyn, he beguiled a farmer into renting out a field for one week’s camp further up the valley at Dolgoch, near the famous and beautiful waterfalls.

Rev. Davies was a worker who inspired others, especially the young ones, to come alongside him without complaining. He never married, but spent his life serving others.

As Rev. Gwynne Evans said in his tribute at the funeral on 22 October, Mr Davies was the back-room boy par excellence. He hated the limelight and would not have wanted thanks.

One officer said, ‘Whatever he did, it was for the gospel’s sake’. Colin Davies died of a heart attack. Unknown to most of us he had angina but, typically, said nothing, preferring to labour on and ignore the condition. We thank God for every memory of him.

By members of the CCIW

ET staff writer
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