News – Same-sex adoption

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 January, 2009 1 min read

Same-sex adoption

Two fifths of the population think male same-sex couples should not be allowed to adopt children, largely because it is not in the best interests of the child. More than a third of people said that children should not be placed for adoption with female same-sex couples, according to the figures from adoption charity Action for Children. The figures came as a surprise to the charity, which supports same-sex adoption.

A large proportion also opposed lone parent adoption – 43% in the case of single men, and 30% in the case of single women. The new figures follow another poll released early in December by The Observer which showed that more than half the population were opposed to gay adoption.

Same-sex and unmarried couples were first allowed to adopt children in 2002. Under the sexual orientation regulations, it is now unlawful for an adoption agency to refuse to consider adoption applications from homosexual couples.

ET staff writer
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