News – School of theology

Hazel Bancroft
01 September, 2010 1 min read

School of theology

Worldly or godly? This was the stark choice attendees were given at the 35th annual school of theology, held at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in July.

Throughout the week, a team of able and gifted speakers, led by the Met Tab pastor Dr Peter Masters, showed us from the Scriptures that in order to be of true earthly use, we must be heavenly minded.

Pastors Joel Beeke, Christopher Buss, Chris Hand, Vernon Higham, Jack Seaton, John Thackway and James Zenker dealt with many other topics. These included: the gospel – a doctrine and a life; culture and worldliness; comprehensive Christianity; and Puritan sacrificial zeal.

The afternoon interval sessions were led by Jonathan Northern and Ronald Pierre, who gave illustrated talks, respectively, on evangelistic Sunday schools as a key part of a pioneering church in a country town; and the compassionate, spiritual endeavours of teachers, pastors, doctors and helpers in the earthquake-ravaged land of Haiti.

In total, there were 21 mind-stretching sessions to the conference, each of which was insightful and valuable in fulfilling the overall title of the school, ‘Winning and keeping souls from the world’.

Tribute must be paid to all the staff and members of the Met Tab, not only for the school’s superb organisation, but also for their willing and loving service, which contributed to the smooth running of this well-attended and eagerly anticipated annual event.

Hazel Bancroft

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