News – Six hundred at Scottish conference

Richard Buckley Richard Buckley is the minister of Trinity Possil and Henry Drummond Church in Glasgow. He trained in ministry under Alec Motyer and J. I. Packer at Trinity Theological College in Bristol and was
01 July, 2009 2 min read

Six hundred at Scottish conference

The 20th annual Scottish Reformed Conference (SRC) took place at Hamilton College, near Glasgow, on 9 May. Around 550-600 people, from various parts of Scotland and representing many different denominations, gathered to hear profound expositions of the Word of God. These were given by Rev. Prof. Sinclair B. Ferguson and Rev. Eric J. Alexander.

The theme of the day’s preaching and fellowship was that of ‘glory’ – the glory of the new covenant from 2 Corinthians 3, the glory of Christ from John 17, and the glory of serving God from 2 Corinthians 4. These studies led us into a new appreciation of great truths and into a deepened joy in fellowship as believers.

All who have been blessed through the ministry of Eric Alexander over 50 years were grateful to God for his exposition of John 17. This was filled with the riches of the glory of Christ, and we were drawn into the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ to gaze upon his glory, as revealed by the Holy Spirit for our blessing.

It was our privilege to hear Rev. Alexander after a recent throat operation. His sermons are being made available on the web site:

Never losing heart

Prof. Ferguson is greatly missed by many in Scotland and we were thrilled that he was with us at our conference. His skills as a teacher and preacher were apparent as he expounded the teaching of the apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians. As he contrasted the old and new covenants we realised again our privileges as Christians.

We were challenged about never losing heart in the work of God, about refusing anything else but the pure truths of the gospel, and about giving ourselves in service to one another as fellow believers and servants of Jesus Christ. Sinclair Ferguson is exemplary in using his great intellectual abilities for theological study and expounding the Word of God. He may be heard on web site:

These outstanding expositions were the topic of our conversations during times of fellowship. It was especially good to welcome some Chinese Christians from Glasgow and we hope that in the future even more diverse ethnic groups will be represented, to add to the joy of the conference.

Next year we look forward to a return visit of Dr Dale Ralph Davis from the USA, and we will have with us for the first time Rev. Kenneth Stewart from Glasgow. Further conference details can be found on the SRC web site:

Richard Buckley

Richard Buckley is the minister of Trinity Possil and Henry Drummond Church in Glasgow. He trained in ministry under Alec Motyer and J. I. Packer at Trinity Theological College in Bristol and was
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