News – T4G

Paul Williams Paul studied for three years at the Evangelical Theological College of Wales ( ETCW Bryntirion). During his third year, Paul received a call to the Pastorate of Newtown Evangelical Church in Mid-Wale
01 July, 2010 1 min read


The third ‘Together for the gospel’ conference was held on 13-15 April at the International Convention Centre in Louisville, Kentucky.

The previous two conferences were held in 2006 and 2008, and numbers have grown steadily to the 7000 attendees present this year.

T4G is the result of a friendship between four men: Ligon Duncan, C. J. Mahaney, Mark Dever and Al Mohler. At this year’s conference, the speakers were Mark Dever, R. C. Sproul, Al Mohler, Thabiti Anyabwile, John MacArthur, John Piper, Ligon Duncan and C. J. Mahaney.

Matt Chandler, pastor of the Village Church, Dallas, was asked to speak about his recent sufferings, following surgery to remove a malignant brain tumour. Strong men wept as he spoke openly of his love for his wife and children, but of his greater love for Jesus.

With talks that included early church history, apologetics, clear exegesis and heart-warming theology, it’s almost impossible to speak in terms of conference highlights – every session was excellent.

Biblical gospel

John Piper’s address on the doctrine of justification was outstanding in its clarity, and powerful application. Piper most helpfully distinguished between the roots and fruits of justification, and the consequences of this for the assurance of salvation.

R. C. Sproul was unable to be present for health reasons, but he spoke through a live video link, giving an overview of the philosophical background to our present situation as evangelicals, through liberalism and neo-orthodoxy, into post-modernity.

John MacArthur preached from Mark 4 on the theology of sleep and did so with characteristic devotion, bringing some typically profound insights from the Gospels.

A new feature of the conference this year was the choice of ‘breakout sessions’ on the Wednesday afternoon, one of which was Josh Harris speaking helpfully from Luke 6:46-50 on ‘Building lives on biblical doctrine’. The conference closed with Mahaney preaching from 2 Timothy 4:1-5 on expository faithfulness.

Overall, this was an outstanding and memorable conference, marked by love for Scripture, Christian unity, and a commitment to the biblical gospel. It was a privilege to be present, and to see so many young men with a love for warm-hearted Calvinism and zeal for the gospel. The next T4G is planned for 11-13 April 2012 in Louisville.

Paul Williams

Paul studied for three years at the Evangelical Theological College of Wales ( ETCW Bryntirion). During his third year, Paul received a call to the Pastorate of Newtown Evangelical Church in Mid-Wale
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