News – The good ship Doulos

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 January, 2010 1 min read

The good ship Doulos

Overseas Mission’s (OM’s) boat ministry on the good ship Doulos has ended. The boat, named after the Greek word for ‘servant’, has had to be grounded owing to the exorbitant costs of repairs needed.

In a survey by ship classification society RINA, it was found that the amount of work needed on the ship’s structure was extensive. These had to be completed before the end of 2009, when the ship’s certificates were due to expire. However, the cost was projected at more than £10 million, a sum too high for OM Ships International to expend on a 95-year-old vessel.

Launched in 1914 as Medina, OM obtained and renovated the ship for Christian mission service in 1977. The ship’s educational and Christian book fair has attracted over 20 million visitors during the last three decades, with millions more attending teaching seminars and workshops held on board.

While Logos Hope continues to attract huge crowds in the Caribbean, OM is exploring various options to continue its two-ship ministry. This might include the temporary hire of a vessel.

ET staff writer
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