News – Tyndale House, Cambridge

Peter Williams Peter is the Principal at Tyndale House, Cambridge.
01 January, 2011 1 min read

Tyndale House, Cambridge

Ovidiu Hanc is a Baptist pastor in Arad, Romania, and is doing his PhD through Queen’s University, Belfast. His thesis is on the Roman Empire in the New Testament. He is married to Emanuela and they have one child Iosua who is 5.

Ovi says, ‘The Tyndale House motto “Doorway to biblical studies” has proved true once again, as God opened a door to me to study. The time that I have spent at Tyndale House was the highlight of my doctoral research.

‘When I arrived, I felt I was 40 per cent of the way through my PhD. After five weeks here, I am closer to 60 per cent, not only as regards the writing itself, but the whole process of research that has been systematised and refined by dialoguing and fencing with wonderful people and profound thinkers’.

Dr Jody Dillow is the founder of Biblical Education by Extension (BEE), a ministry which offers biblical training through seminars and also over the internet in restricted access countries. Currently BEE has ongoing ministries in 20 countries, involving over 35,000 students mainly taught by nationals, who were trained using the same materials.

Jody says, ‘Tyndale House provided me with the library and research atmosphere where I was able to complete courses on doctrine, the life of Christ and Christian family, which are now being translated into eight languages’.

Peter Williams

Warden of Tyndale House

Peter is the Principal at Tyndale House, Cambridge.
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