News – Warning for America

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 January, 2010 1 min read

Warning for America

The US must look and learn from Christians’ experience of the legal culture in the UK, a leading religious rights barrister has warned.

Barrister Paul Diamond, standing counsel to the Christian Legal Centre (CLC), gave a speech in Washington last year in which he advised the US to beware of creeping anti-Christian legislation.

Mr Diamond, who has advised or led in many cases in the UK where new legislation has been used to accuse or to discriminate against Christians in the workplace, said the US must stand firm against legal attempts to take faith out of the public arena.

Andrea Minichiello Williams, Barrister-at-Law and executive director of the CLC, said: ‘For some time, the situation in the UK has been getting worse. But what we are seeing now is a legislative shift that threatens nothing less than the banning of Christian expression and the right to hold a conscientious moral position.

‘Our caseload is growing alarmingly as ordinary Christians fall foul of the new legal culture. America must take note of the devastation being wrought upon Christians and the Christian faith in Great Britain today’.

ET staff writer
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