News – What you think

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 August, 2010 1 min read

What you think

‘You are not what you think you are; what you think, you are’, she said, before proceeding to give details about what is truthful, noble, righteous, pure, lovely and praiseworthy. ‘You have to go beyond thinking about that which has virtue: you must cultivate this in your lives.

‘Be thankful always to God and think of whatever is worthy of praise in Christ. Try also to find the best in others, not the worst, and think of those things’, she said.

A sumptuous lunch was provided for all the ladies by the good men of Thornton Heath, who looked resplendent in their bow ties and were later applauded warmly by the attendees for their hospitality.

During the afternoon session, Mrs Cano took as her text verse 9 of Philippians 4: ‘What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me – practise these things and the God of peace will be with you’.

It is not enough to hear, but we must also do. It is not enough to learn, we must put into practice what we have heard from the Word of God and make godliness a habit.

Through the day, the Thornton Heath septet of musicians and singers brought the Christian message through some beautiful arrangements of songs, hymns and a rendition of Malotte’s Lord’s prayer.

Although the day has now passed, the prayer of every attendee is that they can live out the principles of godly thought leading to godly living, through meditating prayerfully on the words of Philippians 4:8-9.

ET staff writer
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