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Nigeria: Christian now ‘safe’ after blasphemy charges dropped

Nigeria: Christian now ‘safe’ after blasphemy charges dropped
Rhoda Jatau | ADF International
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
21 January, 2025 2 min read

A Christian mother of five, Rhoda Jatau, has been fully acquitted of blasphemy in Nigeria following a two-and-a-half-year legal battle to clear her name.

Jatau spent 19 months in prison before being released on bail, accused of sharing a so-called ‘blasphemous’ video that condemned the lynching of Christian college student Deborah Emmanuel Yakubu. 

As reported at the time, Yakubu was a young Nigerian university student who was murdered and set on fire by a mob of her classmates in May 2022 for sharing her Christian faith.

Jatau was imprisoned in May 2022 on the blasphemy charges in Bauchi State, Nigeria, despite not having been found guilty or having a verdict pronounced against her.

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