Operation Mobilisation

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 April, 2012 1 min read

Operation Mobilisation

A Muslim man who recalled the kindness of Christian missionaries at Operation Mobilisation (OM) in Bosnia now leads a Bible study in his home.
   Murat had been given urgent assistance from an OM aid warehouse several years ago, along with his neighbour Amina, whose husband was seriously ill.
   A few years later, Murat, whose own health was poor and whose wife had abandoned him, made a decision to accept Jesus as his Lord and Saviour.
   He said that he remembered the love the Christian missionaries had shown to Amina and her sick husband years before. He also recalled how the prayers the Christians said then were all answered and how his neighbour’s life had improved dramatically.
   Those realisations were enough to spur Murat into contacting the OM team. Today, he and his new Christian wife lead a Bible study group in their home and distribute portions of Scripture on Bosnia’s streets.

ET staff writer
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