Orangefield Baptist Church
‘The Holy Spirit: walking in the Spirit’ was the theme Pastor Jack Seaton, Inverness Reformed Baptist, explored on his return to the Orangefield Baptist Church Bible Conference in Belfast, held on 22 September.
Pastor Matthew Brennan, from Clonmel Baptist Church, Co. Tipperary, Ireland, ministered on ‘Worship: what the Father seeks’ and ‘Acceptable worship’.

In his address Mr Seaton observed that the persons of the Trinity all had their own roles in bringing salvation to the believer. It is the Holy Spirit’s special office to implant the Word of God into the hearts of believers and sanctify us. Therefore, we should never marginalise the Word in our churches.
Matthew Brennan ministered from Exodus 32:1-12. He noted that believers often long for the tangible, but the Christian life is intangible. Unfortunately, like the Israelites, even believers can worship the creation rather than the Creator.
Abraham’s impatience with God led to his hatching of plans with Hagar that brought misery. We must continue to worship God even when prayer does not appear to be answered.
After a break for lunch, session two commenced. Mr Seaton noted that many Christians have only the vaguest of ideas as to how Christ’s death connects with their salvation. He encouraged us to set our affections on things above. He showed how the Holy Spirit aids us through prayer, stating that ‘our knowledge of God will always determine our worship’.
The ministry concluded with Mr Brennan looking at what constitutes ‘Acceptable worship’, by reading Acts 2:41-47. In that passage, repentance, baptism and joining a church were virtually simultaneous.
The conference closed with William Gadsby’s hymn ‘Immortal honours rest on Jesus’ head’. (Conference addresses at www.orangefield
Mark McCullagh