
Our Heavenly Shepherd: Comfort and strength from Psalm 23

Our Heavenly Shepherd: Comfort and strength from Psalm 23
Andy Banton Andy works as the General Secretary in the OAM Office
04 September, 2022 2 min read

Author: Ian Hamilton
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
112 pages
Purchase from: (£7.99)

Merely reading the title of this lovely little book was enough to encourage me. Given that there is so much both around us and within us that seeks to bind us to this earth, it was such a blessing to be reminded that as believers we have a heavenly Shepherd.

Yes, most Christians are already very familiar with Psalm 23, but you know what they say about familiarity! And how proud and foolish we would be if we ever felt that we had nothing more to learn about our heavenly Shepherd.

New: the ET podcast!