‘Did God really say?’ whispered the devil. Early on in the history of man, the deceiver has suggested we cannot take God’s Word as a reliable account. Did God really say, ‘Let there be light’? Did God really say, ‘Let us make man in our own image?’
Liberal theology denies the supernatural account of creation and supplants it with millions of years of gradual change. The earth cooled from a molten mass, life came from non-living chemicals and evolution took a path of three billion years before man evolved from some ape-like ancestor.
It uses the same deceptive words as the devil, casting doubt on what God has said and turning Genesis 1–3 into some mythical story.
Truth in Science holds to the full inerrancy and historical reliability of the Bible. We believe that a direct and supernatural creation is the only scientifically-feasible way that life arose.

Life is too complex even at its simplest form to have arisen from non-life. There is in the natural world precision engineering and great beauty, testifying to God’s invisible attributes of wisdom and power.
These are not the wild speculations of those who do not know how science works, but leaders in their field: Professor of Engineering, Stuart Burgess; Emeritus Professor of Thermodynamics, Andy McIntosh; and Professor of Electronic Engineering, Steve Taylor. These scientists believe in the full inerrancy, historical reliability, and scientific accuracy of the Bible.
What we believe about Genesis affects how we view the world. What is man? What is sin? Why is there suffering, disease, and death? To redefine Genesis 1–3 in the unbelief of liberal theology is to undermine all the foundational doctrines of the Bible.
Our concern is that many young people leaving their home church for university education lack confidence in these truths. Many have been indoctrinated by a materialistic and secular worldview, or are insufficiently equipped to face the onslaught of atheistic dogma from their lecturers and among their peers.
How are they to stand for the truth? How are they to think critically, and how are they to communicate truth among their fellow Christians in a spirit of love?
Four years ago, Truth in Science started our Summer School for sixth formers and undergraduates to help prepare them for university life. By 2021 we had doubled in numbers as we expanded our talks to look at cultural Marxism and gender-related issues.
Last year we reached the 100 mark as students had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss issues that will affect them while at university.
This year Dr Peter Williams will be speaking on the reliability of the New Testament and Professor Stuart Burgess will be considering the wonder of the human musculoskeletal system.
Pastor Matthew Seymour will speak on Critical Race Theory and Pastor Conrad Pomeroy will preach on Creation, Christ, and Calvary.
Those attending the Summer School have commented that the talks were ‘relevant and thought provoking’. Another mentioned that ‘there is nothing like this in the UK’.
Supporting our Summer School with a range of helpful resources are Biblical Creation Trust, Creation Research UK, Answers in Genesis, and Creation Ministries International.
If you have young people in your congregation then consider sending them or perhaps sponsoring a student to attend the Truth in Science Summer School.
Not only will they be better prepared to face the atheistic thinking on their courses and the contemptuous world of university life, but afterwards will be men and women in their local churches who will understand the issues of the day and know how to answer them.
For more details of this year’s event, see the information alongside this article, or visit our website.