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Professors, medics, and pastors speak to more than 100 students at the Truth In Science Summer School

Professors, medics, and pastors speak to more than 100 students at the Truth In Science Summer School
Truth in Science Summer School
Andrew Saywell
Andrew Saywell Andrew Saywell is secretary of Truth in Science.
01 November, 2022 2 min read

In recent years there has been a growing concern that students in universities are being increasingly subjected to liberal theology under the guise of theistic evolution.

This theology states that Genesis is a myth up until the appearance of Abraham. This means no literal Garden of Eden, no fall of man, no worldwide flood, but millions of years of gradual evolution of ape-like creatures into modern man.

Who will stand for the truth and complete inerrancy of God’s Word? Who will stand for a direct supernatural creation? Who will prepare students for the onslaught of flawed science, corrupt theology, and secular worldviews?

These were among the concerns of Willis Metcalfe back in 2006 when Truth in Science was formed.

From humble beginnings, the Truth in Science Summer School has grown to more than 100 students, all listening attentively to a variety of 30-minute talks and lectures by experts in their respective fields.

The recorded messages can be found on
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