04 (April 2014)

PT Resources – Teaching Numbers

Paul Lintott Paul lives in Haworth, West Yorkshire and is married to Claire with five children. Paul is currently Pastor of Hall Green Baptist Church and was the Pastor at Browning Avenue Baptist Church Hartlepo
31 March, 2014 1 min read
PT Resources – Teaching Numbers

Adrian Reynolds
Christian Focus Publications
304, £8.99
ISBN: 978-1-78191-156-3
Star Rating: 4

This is the twelfth book in the ‘From text to message’ series by the Proclamation Trust and a welcome addition. The aim of the series is to give preachers, teachers, Bible study leaders and youth workers much needed direction on how to understand the text and then teach it effectively to the people entrusted to their care.

The book of Numbers will be relatively unfamiliar to most, with few sermon series venturing into this great section of God’s Word. Adrian Reynolds has done us a great service by providing a practical and hands-on approach to teaching through this book.

Part one is an overview of the book of Numbers, with some helpful comments on the difficulties and joys of teaching the book, along with suggestions about how one might go about the task.

Sections two and three then split the material of Numbers into two (chapters 1-26 and 27-36), giving more detailed analysis of the text, as well as some superbly crafted questions, both for comprehension and application.

My feeling is that this book (and I’m sure the whole series) will fill a niche that very much needs filling. A book that helps to address the questions of the text in a contemporary and yet faithful way, and gives direction on how to think further without spoon-feeding us answers, is a God-send.

Paul Lintott

Paul lives in Haworth, West Yorkshire and is married to Claire with five children. Paul is currently Pastor of Hall Green Baptist Church and was the Pastor at Browning Avenue Baptist Church Hartlepo
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