Question of Trust

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 April, 2012 1 min read

Question of Trust

The Archbishop of Canterbury has lent his weight to a campaign that is calling on financial services companies to restore public and professional trust in the industry.
   The campaign, called ‘A Question of Trust’, was set up by financial planner (financial adviser) Shane Mullins, of Nottingham-based Fiscal Engineers, following a conversation with the news editor of industry trade paper FT Financial Adviser.
   Discovering they both had in common their faith in God, Mr Mullins was encouraged to meet with like-minded industry players, and worked tirelessly to bring on board the Institute of Financial Planners, Nottingham University’s Financial Services Research Forum, charity Credit Action — founded by fellow Christian Keith Tondeur OBE — and a host of bankers, investment managers and independent financial advisers (IFAs).
   He has also galvanised support from the Islamic Society of Britain, the Association of Christian IFAs and Rabbi Jonathan Romain.
   More than 300 business leaders throughout the UK are to be targeted, in order to begin the process of rebuilding people’s trust in the financial services industry. The campaign’s initial objective is the formation of a ‘trust index’ to monitor the financial services industry regularly.
   Dr Williams, who is a patron of Credit Action, said he welcomed the Question of Trust campaign, stating, ‘All of us expect honesty, integrity and transparency in our dealings with those to whom we entrust our money and who provide us with financial assistance and advice.
   ‘No matter the guarantee or protection in the small print, we all feel there is an element of risk. Trust and respect must be at the core of the service provided by our financial institutions and in recent years this has been sorely tested, and in some cases found wanting.
   ‘As a patron of Credit Action, I therefore welcome the initiative, which has attracted widespread support, to promote the Question of Trust campaign and to restore confidence and faith in this area of our business life’.
   More information about the campaign from or

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