A Walk with Mr O

Read! And do it now!

Read! And do it now!
Stuart Olyott
Stuart Olyott Retired, but active, Stuart Olyott preaches widely in the UK and abroad.
04 July, 2024 3 min read

Mr O, your generation is slowly passing away, isn’t it? Already the leadership of our churches is mostly in the hands of the generation following yours. And before long it will be our turn. What can I do to prepare myself for such an enormous responsibility?

I can answer that in one word: read!


Yes. Turn off the television, put your phone on silent, and read! Seven days a week, read the Bible, until you know it from end to end, forwards, backwards, and upside down! In addition to that, on six days a week, in two sessions of twenty minutes to start with, blow the dust off some books and read!

Read what?

Read devotional books and biographies that will stir you up to pray. If our churches are not filled with a spirit of prayer, there is no hope for us. On the whole, devotional books and biographies are fairly easy to get through. Except for Sunday, never, never go a day without reading one.

What else?

New: the ET podcast!