Remaining Faithful in Ministry: 9 essential convictions for every pastor

Remaining Faithful in Ministry: 9 essential convictions for every pastor
Tony Bickley Tony is pastor of Ebenezer Reformed Baptist Church, Brighton.
13 March, 2019 1 min read

As the title suggests, this book is mainly directed at ministers, though occasional preachers and those considering going into the ministry would greatly benefit from its content.

Dr MacArthur begins by stating that, despite having two godly ministers in his family, his father and grandfather, his ministry is most influenced by the Apostle Paul. It is for this reason that much of the book is focused on the opening verses of 2 Corinthians 4, with a look back at chapter 3.

The book works through several aspects of our need to be confident, convinced and assured of God’s calling in the ministry, rather than of our ability. ‘We are not ministers because we are somehow more righteous or more worthy than others. It is a mercy’ (p.29). Thus the minister should be convinced of his own insignificance.

Considering Dr MacArthur’s obvious successes in the ministry, I appreciated his humble approach whereby we are to look to God in all things.

His assertion is that everything we are and have that makes us fit for the ministry is a gift from God. ‘The moment any minister begins to see his calling in any other way, he is on the road to disaster’ (p.30).

The book covers calling to end times, stating our need to be convinced that, whatever we face, nothing compares to the glory to come. Courage, mercy, heart purity and faithful ministering of the Word of God should predominate the heart of the minister.

I found this a very helpful and worthy book: short, to the point, full of biblical truth and examples. It is a much needed aid to those who either think they are something, or who are struggling because they think they are nothing. The words I would use to describe its thrust are ‘truth, confidence, humility and courage’.

It would grace any minister’s bookshelf and be something we might want to return to often, to keep our ministry in the perspective of God’s grace towards us. I would also recommend it to all who have aspirations to preach.

Tony Bickley


Tony is pastor of Ebenezer Reformed Baptist Church, Brighton.
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