05 (May 2016)

Revolutionary Sex

Revolutionary Sex
Michael Bentley Michael, aged 76, is a retired Baptist minister, chairman of the Bracknell Forest Society and author of 16 books.
30 April, 2016 1 min read

Subtitled ‘How the good news of Jesus changes everything’, this book is based on a series of talks given by the rector of St Helen’s Church in Bishopsgate, London. It is ‘revolutionary’ in that it counters the 1960s culture, that ‘we have become plastic people, for whom the contours of our identity can be sifted and changed as we wish’ (p.2).

William Taylor explores biblical teaching on sex and creation, sex and the gospel, sex and same-gender sex, and singleness and marriage. There is also an excellent list of frequently asked questions.

The longest chapter is on sex and same-gender sex. This also lists the largest number of reference books and articles. In this section the author emphasises that ‘all of us are failures in the area of sexual sin, with no exceptions’. As Christians, we are ‘not looking to wag our finger at anybody’ (p.49).

He recognises that it is possible to experience same-gender sexual attraction, but not to dwell or act on it. Christian marriage is not simply for procreation. It is a bond between two people of the opposite gender, who together represent the image of God, ‘so that the watching world can see, in marriage, the relationship for which we were created — a relationship with Christ’ (p.51).

Although short, this book is rich in biblical, practical guidance for those in marriage, those who are single, and also individuals who find members of the same sex attractive. It also does not play down the arguments of those intellectuals who either refuse to accept the teaching of the Bible or who ignore it.

I thoroughly recommend this little volume to those who are longing to live in relationships that are commended by the Scriptures.

Michael Bentley


Michael, aged 76, is a retired Baptist minister, chairman of the Bracknell Forest Society and author of 16 books.
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