Right to Die

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 October, 2012 1 min read

Right to Die

The widow of pro-euthanasia campaigner Tony Nicklinson has vowed to continue his fight to allow families to carry out assisted dying.
   According to media reports, Mr Nicklinson, 58, died a week after the High Court ruled against his appeal to allow his family to end his life. He had been refusing food and contracted pneumonia and died on 22 August.
   In September, his widow, Jane Nicklinson, 56, vowed to appeal the High Court’s ruling on her husband’s right to die. Quoted in the Daily Mail, she said, ‘The campaign will continue because nobody should have to suffer like Tony did’.
   Mr Nicklinson began his fight for the right to die after he said he was ‘fed up’ of living with locked-in syndrome. This had been caused by a stroke in 2005, which he suffered while on a business trip to Athens and left him paralysed from the neck down.

ET staff writer
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