

Roger March Roger is an elder at Wolverton Evangelical Church
02 March, 2023 1 min read

Author: Howard Guinness
Publisher: Wakeman Trust
83 pages
Purchase from: Tabernacle Bookshop (£4.95)

This is a re-publication under license from IVP of a booklet written by Howard Guinness in 1936. It enjoyed a wide circulation and influenced many young Christians of that period. A fifth and final edition appeared in 1960.

Sacrifice is an exhortation to a full and practical commitment to Jesus Christ, focusing on the use of money (advocating frugality, tithing, and self-denial), courtship and marriage (including helpful advice on choosing a life partner), personal discipline (in the use of our time, in the books we read and films we watch, and in guarding against laziness), and the empowering of the Holy Spirit.

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