04 (April 2015)

Selected Writings of Benjamin Morgan Palmer

Selected Writings of Benjamin Morgan Palmer
Paul Brown
Paul Brown Paul is a retired pastor now living in Lancashire.
18 April, 2015 1 min read

This volume consists of 34 short articles written for The Southwestern Presbyterian in the years 1869–70. At that time, Palmer was pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of New Orleans, USA. The Southwestern Presbyterian is described as a weekly newspaper, but it would have been helpful to know more about its character than is given in the book’s introduction.

The articles are divided into five parts. Part 1, ‘Leaves from a pastor’s portfolio’, is the largest section, containing 13 articles. For most readers, this may well prove the most interesting and valuable section of the book. They are clearly the words of an experienced and wise pastor. They are instructive for all pastors or those engaged in counselling or evangelism. Nonetheless, any reader would find good counsel here.

Part 2 consists of ‘Thoughts on foreign missions’; Part 3, ‘The Beatitudes’; Part 4, ‘Christian paradoxes’; and Part 5, ‘Miscellanies on Christian experience’. There is much of real spiritual value in all these articles. Morgan was a balanced and thoughtful writer and his great concern was to always be biblical.

However, the style of writing is different from that of present-day writers in England. I fear that today’s readers are likely to be put off by this. I am not sure that even the younger pastors of today will give this book the attention that will enable them to profit from it. That would be a pity.

I hope this book will be read and that, in due time, articles of similar biblical perception find their way into church magazines and onto the internet.

Paul E. Brown

Halton, nr Lancaster

Paul Brown
Paul is a retired pastor now living in Lancashire.
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