September Bible School 2010

David Woollin David is Sales and Marketing Manager at Heritage Books, Grand Rapids
01 September, 2010 1 min read

September Bible School 2010

The September Bible School (SBS) has been held annually in the picturesque setting of Whitby, on the north-east coast of England, since 1991. This year’s school is from 3-5 September.

The original aim, set out by founder Rev. Peter Brumby, was to encourage Christian young adults (late teens and twenties) to grow strong in Christ and be equipped for service and leadership in the church.

The school’s stretching programme, which includes talks and seminars from distinguished speakers, is designed to relate unchanging biblical principles to the ever-changing world in which we live.

David Magowan, co-pastor of Carey Baptist Church, Reading, and former pastor of Whitby Evangelical Church, says, ‘The Bible school provides a great opportunity for young adults to meet together for ministry and fellowship, and has been a means of much spiritual encouragement to many over the years. There are people today in full-time Christian service as a result of the SBS’.

Ian Hamilton, minister of Cambridge Presbyterian Church, says, ‘I have been privileged on two occasions to be a guest speaker at the SBS in Whitby. To have 50 or so young people, all listening with rapt attention to the ministry of God’s word, is a preacher’s delight.

‘One of my most enjoyable memories was of the young people plying me with serious questions about the Christian life, eager to know how they might better live to God’s praise. The SBS is a wonderful blend of fun, fellowship and serious Bible study and discussion’.

This year the keynote addresses will be given by Prof. Andy McIntosh, who will be speaking on true wisdom from Colossians; and Rev. John Mark Teeuwen who will be speaking on Romans 1:1-17 and describing the impact of the gospel in Papua, Indonesia, among the Dani people. More information from

David Woollin

David is Sales and Marketing Manager at Heritage Books, Grand Rapids
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