07 (July 2016)

Seven words from Calvary

Seven words from Calvary
Andrew Holland Andrew Holland is Pastor at Ashton Baptist Church, Preston.
30 June, 2016 1 min read

The back cover endorses this book as a masterclass in opening up the Saviour’s words from the cross. It is also claimed to be a valuable study, which will better our understanding of our salvation. Seeing it is offered as a devotional exposition, I feel that a balanced assessment of this good little book lies somewhere in-between.

The book explains salvation and the gospel for those unfamiliar with them. It would be profitable for those enquiring into the faith, particularly during Easter time. I found reading it in the run-up to this season a timely blessing. It is also a book for Christians, reminding them of what the Lord Jesus has done for us and accomplished through his death.

It is not an evangelistic book in terms of persuading others to believe, but it certainly contains the evangel. It will stir up the heart and mind of readers. As it says on the wrapper, it is a devotional exposition. The book’s brevity means it is not a theological deep in which one may swim, but it is, nevertheless, a refreshing pool of delight.

The goodness, grace and mercy of God flow throughout this book. Reminders abound of the basic elements of the gospel in all their wonderful simplicity. What one needs from a devotional is to be pointed to the Saviour. Timothy Cross does just that. Every page has Christ on it and speaks of some aspect of his work as revealed in his last words upon the cross.

This is not a full treatment of the Lord’s sayings at Calvary; other books are available to that end. However, it stands as a sound and readable exposition of the Saviour’s last words.

Andrew Holland

Ashton, Preston

Andrew Holland is Pastor at Ashton Baptist Church, Preston.
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