Crunch points

Should Christians speak differently to the world about relationships?

Should Christians speak differently to the world about relationships?
Jeremy Walker
Jeremy Walker Jeremy is the pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley.
04 April, 2022 3 min read

Is the boyfriend/girlfriend concept biblical, or is it just an issue of terminology?

We all value biblical advice from our elders, the first ones to whom we turn for counsel. Jeremy Walker outlines the kind of answer he might give to a question received at the chapel door.

Let’s be careful! Sometimes we so tie ourselves in knots that we could end up talking about ‘intentional friendships between a man and a woman of marriageable age, seeming capacity, and within appropriate parameters, which are likely to lead to marriage in the not-too-distant future’. I mean, what do you want to call them!?

For Christians in the UK, a lot of this tangled vocabulary is shipped in from the US. When I was growing up, people tended to talk about ‘going out’ with each other, and it didn’t carry the same freight as ‘dating’ or ‘courting’.

New: the ET podcast!