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Sinclair Ferguson and Kevin DeYoung speak at Scottish Reformed Conference, Hamilton

Sinclair Ferguson and Kevin DeYoung speak at Scottish Reformed Conference, Hamilton
Dr Kevin DeYoung
Iain Shaw
11 August, 2023 2 min read

‘Stand firm and remember who you are’ – this was the joyful message that rang out at this year’s Scottish Reformed Conference at Hamilton College. Over 500 people gathered in May to enjoy the teaching of Dr Kevin DeYoung and Dr Sinclair Ferguson.

DeYoung took us to the book of Numbers, where we encounter remarkable faith in the five daughters of Zelophehad.

The narrative begins during the Israelites’ wilderness wanderings. Zelophehad had passed away without any male heirs. Because of inheritance customs, this left the daughters of Zelophehad in a precarious situation. The sisters approached Moses and protested a right to property inheritance. The Lord affirmed to Moses that the daughters were right.

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