Sporting legend

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 November, 2011 0 min read

Sporting legend

Christian rugby hero Euan Murray hit the headlines by sitting out a match with Argentina which was being held on a Sunday.

The Glasgow-born prop has taken a stand against working on a Sunday — following in the footsteps of fellow Scotsman Eric Liddell — and questioned whether Rugbyworld cup matches needed to be played on Sundays.

As reported on the BBC, Mr Murray said, ‘I don’t see why there have to be games on Sundays. I hope things will change in future’.

Mr Murray used to play on a Sunday — as in the Scotland vs. France six nations match in 2008 — but declared in 2009 that he would no longer be available to take part in Sunday matches. ET commends his principled stand.

ET staff writer
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