
Thank God: Becoming More Grateful to the Greatest of Givers

Thank God: Becoming More Grateful to the Greatest of Givers
Kerry Orchard
Kerry Orchard Kerry serves as an elder in Heath Evangelical Church, Cardiff.
09 February, 2024 1 min read

Authors: Reuben Bredenhof
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
138 pages
Purchase from: Eden (£8.99)

We are called as Christians to be profoundly counter-cultural, but too often are moulded by the culture. Many Westerners feel entitled, take much for granted, and live for self. Posts on my local community group major on council failings, inconsiderate dog walkers, and outrage at the Welsh government’s 20 mph limit!

I started this fine book flying to see our daughter in America just before ‘Thanksgiving’.  For many this is a family feast – no longer giving thanks to Almighty God for his bounty and grace. I once spent a year teaching in Malawi; I had no idea how privileged the UK was until then. Now I daily thank God for peace, prosperity, and freedom.

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