The best life

The best life
Josephine Ojoo
01 December, 2001 2 min read

I was born in Kenya, the fifth of twelve children. I trained as a doctor in Nairobi and came to the United Kingdom in 1994 for further training and to broaden my horizons. I hope to go back to Kenya soon and offer my expertise to my people.

I first became aware of Christianity through songs my sister used to sing. She had a way of singing hymns like My faith looks up to thee, thou Lamb of Calvary and Rock of Ages, cleft for me, that cut right to my heart.

These hymns told of the sacrifice Jesus had made when he died on the cross, and I began thinking of the meaning of their words.

I was struck by the relationship the hymn writers had with God, and felt a need and desire to relate to God myself. But I had no idea how to do so. I thought it was just for a few special people.

No one had told me of John 3:16, which says, ‘God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life’ – and that included me.

Eternal life

I went to a Presbyterian high school at the age of thirteen, and was introduced to the message of salvation through faith. For the first time I heard that I had to acknowledge my sinful state and believe that Jesus Christ, who was sinless, died in my place for my sins. I did this and became a child of God.

It took some time before I realised what an amazing gift salvation is. It provides righteousness for me that I do not have to earn. God counts me righteous because Christ took my sin so that I could take his righteousness.

Eternal life with God in heaven is also part of salvation, and there is nothing I need do for this either – Jesus has done it all. I will spend eternity with God! There are many more riches to salvation which I am still discovering.


It took me longer to realise that God offers me the best life I could ever live, through the promises and direction he gives in the Bible. God made me, and he has given me the manual to live by – the Bible.

I once thought that living the Christian life was following a set of rules. Now I know that it is being in a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Also, at first, I was worried that God would restrict my life, making me narrow and unhappy. But that was before I knew him. How could the God who showed so much wisdom in creating a world of such amazing beauty and diversity be ‘narrow’ or want that for us?

As the Bible says: ‘He has made everything beautiful in its time’ (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

All I need to know about God is in the Bible and, as I read it, I get to know God and love him better. This is what I really desire.

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