The comfort of predestination

The comfort of predestination
Jerome Zanchius
01 September, 1995 1 min read

Without a due sense of predestination Christians will lose the greatest encouragement they possess to patience and dependence on God. When Christians encounter spiritual and temporal problems the Bible’s teaching on predestination is a comfort in distress. In particular, the following ought to be considered.

1. There most certainly exists an almighty, all-wise and infinitely gracious God.

2. He has given me in time past, and is giving me at present (if I could but see it), many evidences of his love.

3. This love of his is unchangeable, he never repents of it or withdraws it.

4. Whatever happens in time is the result of God’s will from everlasting; consequently, these present troubles were apart of his original plan and are ordered in number, weight and duration.

5. The very hairs of my head are numbered and not one will be lost except as a result of his will.

6. My problems are not the result of chance, accident, or bad luck.

7. They are the accomplishment of God’s purpose and are designed to bring me to a wise and gracious end.

8. My difficulties will not continue a moment longer than God sees fit.

9. The Lord who brought me to this problem has promised to support me under it and to carry me through it.

10. Everything works together for God’s glory and my good.

Therefore, the cup which my heavenly Father has given me to drink, shall I not drink it? Yes I will, in the strength he imparts.

I will even rejoice in the face of tribulation, and using the tools he has given me, or will give me in time, I will commit myself and the event to him. His purpose cannot be overthrown, nor will his plan be upset. And whether I am resigned to this providence or not, he will still go on to work all things after the counsel of his own will.

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