This is a commentary on the three epistles of John presented in a preaching format. It is easy to read, with short chapters, headed paragraphs, simple sentence structures and a minimum of technical words. At the same time, it is a thorough exposition with direct practical application, which invites serious reflection.There is a brief introduction explaining the background to the letters and also an appendix of well-composed review questions. The latter could serve as a useful basis for an informal group study.Twenty-two chapters on 1 John form the main body of the book. The author works from the basis that the main purpose of the epistle is to establish believers in a genuine and joyful assurance of salvation in Christ. The two chapters on how to respond to doubts and the nature of true faith are real gems. Here is a safe guide in the matter of assurance.The second and third epistles are expounded in just two chapters and take up the theme of living according to the truth.This is a heart-warming book and highly recommended. It will prove a good resource not only for preachers but also for all Christians, who will find life-giving truths readily accessible.
The Epistles of John