According to a statement by Dr Kisamba Mugerwa, chairperson of the National Planning Authority of Uganda, to the United Nations in 2012, ‘The population of Uganda is … estimated to be 33 million. About 57 per cent of the Ugandan population is between 0 and 18 years and 78 per cent is under 30 years; making it a very young country…’
‘Like most developing countries, Uganda is no exception to the multiple challenges its youth face, ranging from poverty, unemployment, ill health, violence and delinquency. In addition to these, they experience weak infrastructure and poor economic development that impede their development’(

Everyone agrees that Uganda and Africa have many needs, but what is Africa’s greatest need? Here at the African Bible University of Uganda, we believe that Africa’s greatest need is for the gospel to permeate every level of society, but, in particular, the level of leadership.
Numerous episodes from African history show that Uganda and Africa need good leadership, leadership with integrity, and a true spirit of servanthood.
A question then arises in our minds, ‘What will it take to produce the leaders Africa so desperately needs?’ To answer this question, we must begin to think and plan for Africa’s leaders of the future. Good leaders must be trained, educated and equipped for the task.
So we need a vision of leaders for Christ in Africa. Rather than simply watching whilst leaders develop into people who direct the destinies of others to their own advantage, we (Christ’s church) must have the vision of raising up servant-leaders for Christ.

By God’s grace, we need to create leaders whose desire is not to be lord over others, but to equip others to function fully as people remade in the image of God — leaders that manifest their servanthood not merely by doing a few humble tasks now and then, but by giving their lives in service to others, so that they may realise their full potential in Christ. At African Bible University (ABU) this is our vision and aim.
Why a Bible university?
So how will we train, educate and equip future leaders that will manifest servanthood and godly character?
A ‘university’ teaches about the ‘universe’. It instructs its students about the world in which they live. If man is simply one more animal on a slightly higher level than other animals, then educating children to do whatever is for their own advantage, no matter what it might cost others, could be an approved goal of education.
But if man is unique among all creatures on earth, made just a little lower than the angels, if humanity has been given the responsibility of ruling over this world to the glory of God and the good of all mankind, then plans for educating future generations should look entirely different.
ABU is indeed a university seeking to be different. Within its own self-imposed limitations, the whole of human existence is explored. But, uniquely, this exploration goes forward under the lordship of Jesus Christ. Whether it is the study of history, education, business or communications, every effort is made to bring ‘every thought captive to Christ’.
Why ‘African’ Bible University?
As you might gather from the quote that opened this article, a great need exists for a biblically based educational resource that encourages indigenous leadership to move forward with Christ-honouring principles, in the areas of church, business, education, communications and government across all Africa.

ABU has been working toward this goal for over 30 years, serving God’s people in Liberia, Malawi and Uganda, as well as such neighbouring countries as Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Share the vision
This is who we are and this is our unique mission in Africa, which we invite you to join with us. Help us perfect our vision and enable us to realise it to the fullest by praying for us.
We at ABU, Uganda, are committed to training and raising up the young people of Africa for the long haul. Is it possible that you might be among those who will stay the course with us? We pray that you will make the commitment before God to stand with us, for we cannot do it alone.
Will you pray for us? Is God calling you to join us? Is there something you could do for the young adults of Uganda and Africa, and for ABU?
If you think there is, or you would like to find out more, visit our website at; or get in contact with via Palmer Robertson