08 (August 2017)

The Gospel of Jesus Christ

The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Andy Banton Andy works as the General Secretary in the OAM Office
18 July, 2017 1 min read

Following earlier publications by Washer on the gospel, this booklet is worth reading. Here he directs his focus to unbelievers. He thoroughly explains the gospel, starting with God and describing succinctly his character. He then deals with humanity and something of our character, especially our moral corruption and guilt before our Maker.

Washer then deals with God’s gracious remedy for our sin and the marvel that he planned a way to retain his holiness, while at the same time forgiving us. The cross-work of the Lord Jesus is helpfully explained, followed by a brief treatment of why the resurrection is so crucial to the gospel. It needs to be said that, in a society where increasing numbers espouse atheism, this booklet presupposes that readers already accept the existence of God.

Washer urges readers to respond to the gospel message with repentance and faith. To stave off the notion of ‘easy-believism’, he explains what repentance and faith really are. He then asks searching questions of anyone who might be thinking seriously about conversion. Washer wisely encourages enquirers to think through their beliefs carefully.

The booklet goes further than many similar evangelistic publications. It sets out 10 ‘Evidences of conversion’. It is clear that Washer endeavours to avoid any prospect of false professions of faith.

The booklet also sets out seven ‘Benefits of salvation’. Finally, the author closes with sections on important matters for the new believer, including ‘Study the Bible’, ‘Devotion to prayer’ and the importance of ‘Fellowship with a biblical church’.

My only criticisms are that the cover could have been more appealing and that more illustrations to accompany the wonderful gospel truths throughout would have been helpful.

Andy Banton


Andy works as the General Secretary in the OAM Office
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