
The Illustrated Baptist Catechism

The Illustrated Baptist Catechism
Jonathan Gayton
01 December, 2024 1 min read

Authors: Illustrated by Paul Cox
Publisher: Founders Press
137 pages
Purchase from: Broken Wharfe (£19.98)

This publication is an illustrated reprinting of the Baptist Catechism originally published in 1693. The text is reproduced in full, using the original language. 

Commonly known as Keach’s catechism, it is based upon the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. While there is debate about the level of Benjamin Keach’s involvement in the authorship of the catechism, it is certain that he had a burden for communicating precise doctrine to the young. After the publication of ‘A Child’s Instructor’ in 1664, he was imprisoned and fined. This later publication is one demonstration of his persisting commitment to the doctrinal education of children.

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