
The Incarnation and our sonship

The Incarnation and our sonship
Charles Spurgeon Charles Haddon Spurgeon was an English Particular Baptist preacher. Spurgeon remains highly influential among Christians of various denominations, among whom he is known as the "Prince of Preachers"
14 December, 2023 2 min read

The following is an edited extract from Good tidings of great joy, published by Banner of Truth in 2023.

The Lord Jesus Christ has come in human flesh that his people might ‘receive the adoption of sons’. What does this expression mean? Why, to feel, ‘Now I am under the mastery of love, as a dear child, who is both loved and loving. I go in and out of my Father’s house, not as a casual servant, called in to work, but as a child at home.

‘My God is my Father, and the light of his countenance makes me glad. I am not afraid of him, but I delight in him. Nothing can separate me from him. I feel towards him that perfect love which casteth out fear, and I rejoice to be owned as his child.’

Try and enter into that blessed experience if you are indeed a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, for this is why he has come in the flesh – on purpose that you, his people, may be to the full the adopted children of the Lord, receiving and enjoying all the privileges which sonship secures to you.

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