
The Justice and Goodness of God: A Biblical Case for the Final Judgment

The Justice and Goodness of God: A Biblical Case for the Final Judgment
Colin Reeves
10 November, 2024 1 min read

Authors: Thomas R. Schreiner
Publisher: Crossway
159 pages
Purchase from: Evangelical Bookshop (£10.50)

This book deals with an important topic, one periodically under revisionist attack, even in evangelical circles. Schreiner makes a strong case for the classic Reformed position: Scripture teaches a final judgment that is a just retribution for sin. This entails eternal, conscious punishment of all sinners who reject God.

It is clearly organised, starting with two chapters on the perfect righteousness of God and the ugliness of our own sin. Schreiner stresses that God defines justice: there is no external standard to which God is beholden. On sin, he works through a palette of Hebrew and Greek words demonstrating just how twisted, filthy, corrupt, detestable, and depraved we are. God is patient and merciful, and judgment may be delayed – but it is coming.

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