04 (April 2017)

Thirty Thousand Days – the journey home to God

Thirty Thousand Days – the journey home to God
Joseph Hewitt Joe Hewitt is a retired pastor, living in Holland-on-Sea.
31 March, 2017 1 min read

As I began to read the preface of this book, I was reminded of A.W. Tozer’s The pursuit of God. At first I felt overwhelmed by the rapid pace of the writing. Gradually, I began to appreciate its thrust and, by the end, was thankful for the expert writing and zeal of the author.

I take to heart the challenge that Jesus Christ lived for 33 years as a man before finishing his huge rescue labours, whereas today so many of us may live 30,000 days (82 years) and yet fail to make much impact as Christ’s disciples.

The book has 12 chapters, followed by a group study guide. It is challenging to both young and old. The introduction (‘Live abundantly’) is followed by, ‘See eternally’, ‘Worship wholeheartedly’, ‘Walk purposefully’, ‘Care passionately’, ‘Give generously’, ‘Hold loosely’, ‘Love deeply’, ‘Stand firm’, ‘Choose light’, ‘Rest’, ‘Unhooked and unhindered’, and, finally, ‘Home’.

I value the author’s many gifts and appreciate the many benefits of this book. I thank God for its challenges. One may not agree with every word, but, overall, its wide-ranging use of Scripture stimulates readers to be more fruitful, the older they get.

Joseph Hewitt

Holland-on-Sea, Essex

Joe Hewitt is a retired pastor, living in Holland-on-Sea.
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