
This toxic assisted suicide bill puts the vulnerable in danger

This toxic assisted suicide bill puts the vulnerable in danger
Image by HeungSoon | Pixabay
Mike Judge
Mike Judge Mike Judge. Editor of Evangelical Times, and pastor of Chorlton Evangelical Church in Manchester.
16 October, 2024 3 min read

Backbench Labour MP, Kim Leadbeater, has today presented her private members’ bill to legalise assisted dying suicide to the House of Commons. The government says it will allow its MPs to have a free vote. That means they can vote according to their conscience, free from any party control. The bill, so it’s said, will simply alleviate the suffering for a few difficult cases, limited to terminally ill people near the end of their lives. So, nothing to worry about then?

That’s exactly how abortion was legalised back in 1967. It was a private members’ bill, MPs were given a free vote, and it was just to offer safe terminations to a small number of difficult cases – women who would otherwise seek dangerous backstreet abortions. Yet it opened the flood gates to a huge abortion industry that has resulted in 10 million abortions, 99 per cent of which are for social, not medical, reasons.

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