04 (April 2013)

Thoughts Fixed and Affections Flaming

Thoughts Fixed and Affections Flaming
John Cook W. John Cook tutored New Testament Studies in the South Wales Bible College, Barry, and at the Evangelical Theological College of Wales. He retired in 2017 from the pastorate at Barry Evangelical Pr
25 April, 2013 1 min read

Thoughts fixed and affections flaming
Nigel Faithfull
Day One Publications
266 pages, £10.00
ISBN: 978-1-84625-309-6
Star rating : 3

This book aims to introduce readers to Matthew Henry’s Exposition of the Bible by means of choice quotations from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21. There is also a brief biographical sketch of Matthew Henry, and references to his importance as a commentator on the Holy Scriptures from George Whitefield and C. H. Spurgeon, among others.
Matthew Henry completed his own commentary from Genesis as far as the Acts of the Apostles, but left notes for other books of the New Testament that 13 Nonconformist ministers used to produce the remaining comments.
Nigel Faithfull has provided a helpful topical guide to the quotations recorded, which reveals the wide scope of the matters covered, including doctrine and Christian experience.
It is perhaps good to mention one of Henry’s quaint but pertinent comments — on Genesis 2:21-23: ‘The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected and near his heart to be beloved’.
There is here valuable guidance for all Christians and practical counsel for ministers, but we must beware of our interest being merely in what Henry says, for he would have us ponder and respond to God’s Word itself.
Apart from disappointment that Mr Faithfull warned Baptists against Matthew Henry’s paedobaptist views, I commend this book to all.

W. John Cook

W. John Cook tutored New Testament Studies in the South Wales Bible College, Barry, and at the Evangelical Theological College of Wales. He retired in 2017 from the pastorate at Barry Evangelical Pr
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