
Thousands join the March for Life in London

Thousands join the March for Life in London
Many young people attended the rally | CREDIT: March for Life UK
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
22 September, 2022 1 min read

Record numbers took part in this year’s March for Life UK which was held in central London on Saturday 3 September.

More than 7,000 people took to the streets of London to protest against Britain’s abortion laws, which allow abortion of a foetus up to 24 weeks in the womb.

The event was timely, coming within days of new government provisions to permanently allow at-home early medical abortions from 30 August.

The provisions, which were introduced during the Covid crisis, were only meant to be temporary and critics say they are dangerous.

One of the aims of the March for Life UK is ‘To raise awareness of the hurt and damage that abortion causes and promote the value of every human life from the first moment of conception’.

According to the campaign website, the march started at the Emmanuel Centre in Westminster before heading to the Houses of Parliament.

During the morning, there were events at the centre for the whole family, including placard-making competitions, as well as talks from leading commentators.

The organisers of the march said, ‘It seems that the overturning of Roe v. Wade in America has had quite a ripple effect across the ocean as more young people than ever paraded through the streets on a lively procession which ended in a gathering at Parliament Square.’

Madeline Page, CEO of The Alliance of Pro-life Students said, ‘We’ve seen a steady increase in the amount of young people wanting to take part in pro-life events since the news from America.’

ET staff writer
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