Training: How Do I Grow As a Christian?

Training: How Do I Grow As a Christian?
Paul Relf Paul Relf is Pastor at Enon Baptist Church, Chatham.
22 October, 2020 1 min read

Training is one of a series of titles that focuses on the unchurched. It is aimed at a new Christian and is very helpful for anyone young in the faith from whatever background.

As the introduction says, the theme is about ‘training for godliness’, and the topics covered are: discipleship, the Bible, prayer, worship, church, and evangelism.

The book has helpful features. It introduces Jason, who has recently been converted, and he pops up as an illustration in all of the chapters. It also uses five symbols to highlight significant points – e.g. ‘key verses’. You might think these would disrupt the flow of the narrative, but they actually help the reader focus on what is important.

The book is God-centred and very practical, in that it points the reader to what is needed in the Christian life and suggests what they should do. So, for instance, we learn to read our Bibles through prayer, observation, interpretation, and application. There is a proper balance between biblical teaching and practical application. In an age obsessed with individual rights, it is good for new Christians to be directed so clearly to following Jesus.

Maybe there could have been a chapter on living in the home, or being a Christian in the workplace, but the key areas are all covered. Occasionally the examples (using Jason) grated a bit and might not suit every reader, but overall this is an excellent book that would be good to give to all new Christians to help them grow in their faith.

Paul Relf


Paul Relf is Pastor at Enon Baptist Church, Chatham.
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