World news

Turkey: Christian couple banned from entering the country take case to court

Turkey: Christian couple banned from entering the country take case to court
Lidia Rieder | ADF International
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
22 June, 2023 1 min read

A Christian woman and her husband have taken their case to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) after they were banned from entering Turkey because of their faith.

The woman, who is going by the name of Rachel Zalma to protect her identity in the press, has joined a long list of Christians banned from entering the increasingly hardline country.

Turkey has been designating foreign Christians and missionaries as ‘security threats’, a designation being challenged by Zalma.

The Zalmas – a British couple – moved to Turkey in 2009 and lived there for more than 11 years until Turkish authorities imposed a security code called ‘N-82’ on her husband in 2019.

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