Union with Christ

Union with Christ
William Huntington
01 October, 2001 1 min read

The term ‘practical holiness’ I do not understand. One half of the pompous phrases that now creep into pulpits will not bear the balance of common sense.

Holiness can neither be fetched from the law of Moses, nor from a carnal heart; nor is it a thing to be put in practice by free will, or an arm of flesh. There is none supremely holy but One; that is, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Christ is the Holy One of his people; and they who are purged from sin by his blood, sanctified by his Spirit, in covenant, in favour, and in spiritual union with him, are complete in him, their Head; who is made of God unto them righteousness and sanctification.

Such are new creatures, created in righteousness and true holiness; and it is God and none else, who humbles them and sanctifies them.

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