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US: Biblical Creation Trust spends July in States for speaking tour

US: Biblical Creation Trust spends July in States for speaking tour
Stephen Lloyd | Biblical Creation Trust
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
02 August, 2023 1 min read

Biblical Creation Trusts Paul Garner and Stephen Lloyd have just returned from the US, following a packed schedule of exciting events and ministry opportunities to discuss creation.

On 15 July, they attended a Creation Theology Society meeting on 'Created Kinds' at Cedarville University, Ohio, where the International Conference on Creationism also took place from 16-19 July.

The ICC only comes round every five years and is one of the largest gatherings of creationist scholars in the world. Paul appeared on a discussion panel about Flood boundaries in the geological column and co-presented papers on order in the fossil record and radioisotope ages.

From there Paul and Stephen headed to St. Louis, Missouri - guests of the Missouri Association for Creation - where they spoke at a morning service and adult Sunday School class at Providence Reformed Presbyterian Church, as well as giving a series of evening presentations at Covenant Presbyterian Church.

Between them, they covered Flood theology, geological evidence for the Flood, the age of the earth, 'Adam, apes & ancestors', scientific evidence for creation and why the origins debate matters. There was also time for a field trip to the Mastodon State Historic Site, looking at features consistent with creation.

ET staff writer
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