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US: Christian freedoms upheld in two separate cases

US: Christian freedoms upheld in two separate cases
Chelsey Nelson | CREDIT: Alliance Defending Freedom
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
21 September, 2022 1 min read

The freedom of Christians to act upon their biblical beliefs has been upheld in two recent cases in America.

One case involves Chelsey Nelson, a Kentucky wedding photographer who has won the right not to be forced to take photos of same-sex weddings.

The other case involved a teacher who was suspended when she refused to deceive parents over a student’s gender identity.

The school district in the State of Kansas wanted Pamela Ricard to use the child’s preferred gender pronoun in the classroom, but use the child’s birth name with the parents.

Richard was suspended when she refused to do so, but she has since has received a $95,000 settlement.

ET staff writer
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