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US: Texas abortion numbers plummet by 97 per cent after Roe v. Wade ruling

US: Texas abortion numbers plummet by 97 per cent after Roe v. Wade ruling
Photo by Pete Alexopoulos / Unsplash
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
25 January, 2023 1 min read

The number of abortions in Texas fell to just 68 in the first month after Roe v. Wade was overturned in the US.

According to statistics from the Texas Health and Human Services, 2,596 abortions were carried out in the US state in June 2022 while only 68 were performed in July – a 97 per cent decrease.

As reported by Evangelical Times, the Supreme Court overturned its 1973 ruling on Roe v. Wade on 24 June last year.

The ruling handed back power to individual states to legislate on the issue, and Texas only permits abortion in the case of a medical emergency to protect the life of the mother.

ET staff writer
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