Web Witness Worldwide

Web Witness Worldwide
Roy Mohon
Roy Mohon Pastor Mohon is the minister of the Presbyterian Reformed Church, Stockton-on-Tees. As well as qualifications in banking and taxation, he holds an MA in Theology from the University of Durham.
01 July, 2001 3 min read

I no longer think of www as merely World Wide Web but rather Web Witness Worldwide. These initials have come to have a different meaning for me as a result of my involvement with truthzone.co.uk as part of my pastoral ministry.

The equation for this new opportunity for service was simple: 30 years of personal Bible research + Internet technology + a universal language (English) = worldwide witness.

Having no formal training in information technology, I cannot say that the transference of truth from heart to website has been easy. But it has proved achievable with perseverance and without specialist knowledge.

A suitable site

My intention was to provide a general interest website to be called Online Christian Resources Centre. Word-processed text was not too difficult to convert using the Microsoft FrontPage program.

I had in mind several different kinds of users and wanted the site to be suitable for Christians and non-Christians. While having some more specialised interests in mind such as promoting Christian education and Christian values in society I also hoped there would be sufficient to catch the eye of those just surfing around.

There also seemed to be potential for such a website to be a means of encouragement and ministry to others in our own presbytery both in the USA and Canada and from them to others in those countries.


The site has taken shape now and contains the following sections to which I add material as time allows.

(1) Ultimate Truth is an online magazine relating contemporary issues to the gospel. Articles include: President’s Bible, Doctor Death, Dome Diamond and Foot and Mouth Disease. Election specials included Manifesto, The Punch and Final Word to Voters.

(2) The Online Encyclopaedia gives access to a wide range of biblical and theological material.

(3) The Home Bible School provides courses designed for those who want a more structured study of the Word. The online course material is free and ‘pay as you go’ tutorial support is available for modest tuition fees.

(4) The Westminster Heritage Centre will provide resources on the Reformed Faith by reference to The Westminster Confession of Faith and catechisms.

(5) Class Educational provides resources for parents and teachers involved in home schooling or Christian schools.

(6) Value Added relates Christian values to the individual and to business and community life.

(7) Trek for the Day Star is described as ‘A survival guide for the cosmic war’. It looks at history and the future from the standpoint of the prophetic Word.

How many hits?

It was useful in getting the site known to register it with www.grace.org.uk and Reformed Christian Pages (www.rcp.org.uk) both of which were very efficient and helpful. I also had to investigate registration with search engines.

Was all of the work involved worth it? Experience to date has been encouraging with over 400 visits or ‘hits’ recorded in the first thirteen weeks. Of particular encouragement have been the following.

(1) Opportunities for continuing Christian fellowship. Even when meeting Christians for the first time all I need to ask is if they are Internet-connected. If so, I give them the truthzo ne.co.uk address and they can follow up the contact if they wish. It is good for old friends also, who might be interested to see what I am getting up to.

(2) Contact with non-Christians. I have produced a leaflet giving details of the site and it has been well received. It places the recipient under no pressure; anyone can follow it up at home without any obligation.

Work abroad

(3) Help in supporting the Lord’s work abroad. This was an unexpected bonus. A pastor in the Far East e-mailed concerning his need for Christian materials. I was able to reply by return advising him of the website and inviting him to print off anything that might be of use to him.

He replied that he had printed off the course Why We Need the Bible for use in his church. We now pray for them and they pray for us, and it has been a particular joy to have fellowship in the Lord’s work in this way. It makes all the hard work setting up the site worthwhile.

(4) Generation X, Y and Z. I am also conscious that the website is a mission for the future. The young people of today and their offspring will all be users of the Internet as a matter of course. It would be wonderful to reach more and more of them for Christ by thismeans.

If you visit the site then make sure you type www. truthzone.co.uk exactly. I discovered that there are sites with similar names, some of which are about the paranormal etc.

It reminds us that others are already well established on the Internet with their message and we need to be there with, not our message, but with God’s, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.

Roy Mohon
Pastor Mohon is the minister of the Presbyterian Reformed Church, Stockton-on-Tees. As well as qualifications in banking and taxation, he holds an MA in Theology from the University of Durham.
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