What Kind of God? Responses to 10 Popular Accusations

What Kind of God? Responses to 10 Popular Accusations
What Kind of God?
Andy Dalrymple
01 July, 2009 1 min read

This book started life as a series of lunchtime talks to non-Christians and seeks to address the many questions that circulate in people’s minds today concerning God. Interestingly, Michael Ots remarks that ‘most of the questions I get asked are about God himself. The issue is not so much God’s existence as his character’.

This, then, is reflected in the responses he makes to ten popular accusations. All the chapters are self-contained, dealing with particular questions such as: What kind of God lets the church represent him?; What kind of God would send his Son to die?; What kind of God would limit my sexuality?; and so on.

The author answers the accusations in an honest and helpful way — and in a style that is very readable, biblically reasoned, freshly illustrated from life in our modern world, and occasionally couched in humour.

Having highlighted throughout the book the goodness and trustworthiness of God, he rounds off his arguments by turning matters on their head. This time Ots asks the question: What kind of person would reject a God so good?

Here he challenges readers to face the truth, turn from their sin, and trust Christ as their Saviour. Included is a prayer to be used if someone is ready to do so, and a further reading list for those who feel the need to dig deeper.

The versatility of this book lies in the fact that, while it is primarily geared for those asking serious spiritual questions, it also serves as a useful tool for everyday apologetics as Christians seek to provide the answers.

Here is an excellent contribution to the defence of the Christian faith. It succeeds in communicating the incontrovertible fact that the God of the Bible is relevant for the times in which we live.

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